Monday, March 2, 2009


Stress is part of everyone’s life, but it is important to balance the amount of stress and find some ways of dealing with it. Stress is often called ‘pressure’. It is feeling that you have to do more all time. Stress is when you worry about your life all the time and can’t relax. Stressors are the things that make you worried. The key is to control stress and not let it control you. As a student, you can study regularly and not wait until it is exam time. You can take regular breaks during the day and exercise or relax. Talk about your problems and be realistic about what you can do with the time you have. Learn to manage your time better.


  1. Seham,

    Well-presented description of stress. I'm sure you don't feel ANY stress being a mother AND a wife AND a student!!! Just kidding. 10/10 for this one.

  2. Thank you sir
    But I am really feel more than stress and tired.
