Wall-e is robot who considered cleaning up a waste and trash covered Earth that pollutes air and water in the future. Wall-e is lived alone with Cockroach in destroy area without any organisms to communicate with them so he felt very upset. Suddenly, he found the spaceship came in to this area and inside it, there is one woman named EVE who is robot but in different shapes of Wall-e. Then, Wall-e became very happy because he had a new friend in his life and he gave her one plant. There are several problems in this movie. Firstly, there is one plant inside the EVE body that causes creature in side the spaceship will fight, kill and injure the EVE in order to take the plant and gave to the Captain Who is the leader of the spaceship and dominate the appliance of the space ship. Secondly, there is a huge amount of creatures whose used technology with suitable services, without doing any rigid work. There are several ways to solve these problems. First, EVE must give the plant to the supervisor without taking the permission of Wall-e because Wall-e thought this plant was gifts to the EVE order to love him and be friendly instead of supervisor. However, EVE convinces Wall-e to give the plant to the supervisor in order to protect the spaceship from any dangerous and hazard that affects of creature. Second, there is facilitated of technology surrounded the spaceship which includes electronic machines repaired automatically without any force work ,eat a fast food regular and did not do any physical activities. As a result, a lot of creatures suffer from many different of diseases like, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure because they did not do any occupation in their life inside the spaceship.
Great writing. Few mistakes. I'll give you some comments this afternoon. For this assignment, though, I give: 10/10