Hai ,I will take about famous women in my country is Hamda Harizi she is the owner of the company (House Gourmet) kingdom of caviar in the UAE ,and she says that the production of caviar through Dubai ,and 10%-15% of this amount goes to local consumption ,while the rest re-exported to various countries in the middle east and the United States ,Japan and Korea.
Dubai is today the largest market for trade and consumption of caviar in the region ,with imports of all types of caviain the Emirate from variuse sources and re-export the bulk of it to the various countries.
And follows that company own the largest factory in the world to mobilize the Dubai-based caviar ,capacity up to 30 tons ,but currently prodnces 7 tons total volume of inrestment in the factory more the 4 million dirhams in 2003
so I wrote about Hamda becouse she did a good job .
Good enough, although late! For lateness, -2. For goodness, +8