Hai..I will talk about the best movie of the year it's The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button it's written by F.Scott Fitzgerald and stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.Gross revenue by this movie 241,645,000 $ . The movie tell that .In 11,November 1918 just as the people of New Orleans are celebrating.The end of World War 1 , a baby is born with the appearance and physical maladies of an olderly man , his mother dies shortly after giving birth ,and the father ,Thomas Button ,takes the baby abandons him on the porch of a nursing home .Queenie and her husband ,a cauple the who work at the nursing home ,find the baby.She names the baby Benjamin . He meet a young girl named Daisy she came every weekend to see her grandmather .A few years later ,Benjamin gose to work on a tugboat of the docks of New Orleans of captain Mike ,Benjamin leaves New Orleans . Daisy asks him to send her postcards from his travel which Benjamin dose .
During a stay in Russia ,Benjamin meets a British women named Elizabeth Abbott and falls in love with her .Elizabeth is already married .after that she left .
In 1945, Benjamin returns to New Orleans , and he knows that Daisy has become a successful dancer in New York city .and she fallen in love with fallow dancer,and tries to accept that their lives have separated . Benjamin meet Thomas Button ,who is dying . Thomas told Benjamin that he is his father .Daisy dance career is ended by a car accident in Paris .When Benjamin gose to see her .She turns him away be telling Benjamin to stay out of her life
In 1962, Daisy return to New Orleans to and meet Benjamin .Now the same physical age ,they fall in love and move together .In large part bilssfully but incresingly aware of Benjamin growing younger while Daisy grows older .After Daisy gives birth to a girl ,Caroline .Benjamen beliving he cannot be a father to his daughter due to his reverse aging ,and not wating to burden Daisy with having to raise two children. Sells his belongings ,and leaves them to Daisy and Caroline.
In 1980, Benjamin ,now looking like a young man ,returns to meet Daisy in her dance studio, Daisy she has get married, Daisy introduce Benjamen to 12 year old Caroline as a long time family friend . Then he leave them. One day Daisy receives a phone call from social worker. They told her that they found Benjamin ,now a young parteen they called her because they saw her name all over his diary .He had just eaten and cannot remember Daisy or much of his past, Daisy moves into the nursing home where Benjamin grow up and take care of him as he became a confused 5 year old boy.
In the spring of 2003,the now physically infant , 85 year old Benjamin dies in Daisy arms .At the moment befor Benjamin dies ,Daisy claims to have seen in his eyes that he still remember her.
Strange movie (I saw it last weekend), but I like it too. You have only a couple spelling mistakes (cauple and gose). Other than those, your spelling is fine. Your punctuation, though... Make sure each complete sentence ends with a full-stop or semicolon. Thanks! Your score here: 8/10