Last time I talked about my little brother ,But now I’m going to tell you about my sister.
She is the most precious to me in this whole world . she is in high school . she’s 17 years old .
She likes to listen to Jesse Mccartney , Evanescence , linkin park.sum-41
Chris Brown , Cascada , The Blue . she likes to learn languages like Japanese, Italian , Korean ,French and germane
Also, she likes designing by Photoshop. Everyone called her •Graphics Princess•° Because she freak of designing. she design from 5 years . I don’t have a lot of her deigns and all this are old .
I hope u like it
Sara A
Your sister sounds as cool as your brother (although maybe a little less naughty!). Anyway, only one spelling mistake (Germane). Therefore: 9/10. Other mistakes include: no capital letters to start sentences and a couple missing helping verbs (to be). Other than that, this is great.